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Nairn West & Suburban Community Council

Nairn Local Place Plan - An Explainer


Added at 16:05 on 07 November 2022

Nairn Local Place Plan - An Explainer

There is an important public meeting on Thursday 10th November to kick-start the creation of Nairn's Local Place Plan. Here is a short explainer on Local Place Plans and the importance of your participation in this process.

What is a Local Place Plan?

Local Place Plans are community-led plans setting out proposals for the development and use of land. Introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, these plans set out a community’s aspirations for its future development. When completed and then registered by the planning authority, they are to be taken into account in the preparation of the relevant local development plan.

Why are Local Place Plans Important?

Local Place Plans are part of the Scottish Government’s work on planning reform and implementation of the 2019 Act, including steps to reduce conflict, improve community engagement and build public trust in planning matters, link.

Why Should You get Involved?

It is vital that local people have the opportunity to engage meaningfully and have a positive influence in the future planning of development in their areas. The aim is to significantly enhance engagement in development planning, effectively empowering communities to play a proactive role in defining the future of their places. High levels of public engagement will deliver a Local Place Plan truly for the people, by the people, and may carry significant weight in future Regional Planning Policy and Proposals.

Why is a Local Place Plan so Important for Nairn?

The Nairn public was roused last year to attend a public meeting on the Inner Moray Frith Local Development Plan (IMFLDP) and many concerns were voiced at proposals for further large scale housing development in the town without the infrastructure to support them. People will have provided feedback in the consultation process. The IMFLDP proposal has still not been brought to the Highland Councillors for adoption and it is unclear if and when it will be delivered and its status against a future Local Place Plan. A Local Place Plan will be an essential tool in line with current legislation to push back against Highland Council Planning Policy/Proposals that are not aligned with Nairn people’s vision for our town. It may not yet be clear how big a stick a Local Place Plan for Nairn will be to defend our town, but any stick is better than no stick at all.

Who Will Convert the Community Feedback into Nairn's Local Place Plan?

The 2019 Act requires that a Local Place Plan is prepared by a Community Body. Nairn Improvement Community Enterprise (NICE, link) and Nairn and Nairnshire Community Partnership (NNCP, link) are examples of two bodies that already have formed with a scope to influence and enhance Planning for the future of Nairn.  The meeting on Thursday will lick-off the discussion on how to move forward to create a Local Place Plan, which may be a journey of up to 24 months.  

< Community and Arts Centre - Community Asset TransferLocal Place Plan Meeting - Presentation and NWSCC Chair Comments >